Employment, Labour Law and Immigration

Employment, Labour Law and Immigration

Services offered by REX in this area include review of employment policies, preparation of employment contracts, review of restructuring plans in relation to employment issues and the procedures to downsizing businesses and reviewing of employment claims including representing client in litigation matters.

REX has undertaken a thorough review of the changes in the employment and labour legislation namely the Employment and Labour Relations Act No. 6 of 2004. As result of this review REX has been sought out by various corporate bodies to assist them in reviewing their labour policies in light of the new changes in the labour laws. In the global economic downturn of 2008 and the consequent downsizing of some companies, REX advised various corporate clients on redundancies and was actively involved in supervising clients in actual redundancies to ensure compliance with the statutory procedures for redundancies. REX has experience in representation of its corporate clients at the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration (the “CMA”) on various employment related disputes.

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Attorneys at Rex